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Ancient Behemoth


Over time, the powerful, arcane magic which distorted the minotaur that became a Behemoth further distorts the minotaur. This distortion causes the Behemoth to grow, gain more strength and become much more insane. After a certain degree of distortion, the Behemoth becomes known as an Ancient Behemoth, which references the amount of time spent to become that distorted. An Ancient Behemoth is so mentally unstable, that it takes an Elder to safely give it commands and/or orders to obey certain people.

Since an Ancient Behemoth is extremely dangerous, they are oft kept in enormous holding cells until needed; these cells are kept on the outskirts of minotaur cities for further safety measures. Also, they are kept there so that they can easily be used as an anti-siege weapon.

Ghi chú đặc biệt: Due to this unit's relationship with its deity it is granted a magical body in which the magic is manifested as self-healing, this is enhanced by this unit's blood thirsty lifestyle and thus this unit recovers 6 HP per turn. Khi sử dụng đòn tấn công điên cuồng, đơn vị này tiếp tục tấn công đến khi hoặc nó hoặc kẻ thù của nó chết.

Nâng cấp từ: Behemoth
Nâng cấp thành:
Chi phí: 35
Máu: 60
Di chuyển: 5
KN: 100
Trình độ: 2
Phân loại: hỗn độn
IDEoS Minotaur Ancient Behemoth
Khả năng: divine health
7 - 4
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